Friday, January 18, 2008

Advice From Across the Pond (JM)

Tally ho! Pip, pip and all that… I’d to introduce you to a new friend of ours. His name is Daniel Finkelstein and he has an idea. You see, Daniel Finkelstein, Comments Editor of the London Times, seems to think it would be just the dog’s bollocks if Barack Obama asked Al Gore to be his VP. He has provided us with his reasoning in top ten format. I am usually a sucker for that medium, but something is leaving me... unsatisfied. I’m really just going to leave this one for you to ponder, but I highly suggest taking a look at the comments section in which the masses of Fair Britannia weigh-in. It appears there is intense debate about whether this would be a good idea for Barack yet, as this goes to blog I have yet to see a post suggesting that Al might not be interested in being Obama’s VP). Anyhoo, cheerio Daniel Finkelstein… I suspect this not the last we’ll be hearing from you.

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