Thursday, January 24, 2008

Requiem for a Heavyweight (JM)

Well y'all won't have Dennis Kucinich to kick around anymore. While speculation involved the possibility that he is leaving the campaign to spend time with his hot wife or chase UFOs or because he figured out that he had absolutely no shot at ever being president (though somehow I suspect we knew this already). The sad truth is that he is facing very tough competition for his congressional seat in his local primary, because area people are fed up with the escalator to nowhere that was his presidential candidacy. I think it would be tremendously disappointing if one of the very few figures in American politics who constantly told truth to power, fought for truly progressive causes and spoke his mind was so unceremoniously dumped from the political scene. I didn't always agree with him... Dept. of Peace... for instance, but the man was an original and I, for one, hope they keep him around.

As a side note one of my co-workers just asked me if the only reason I am writing about this is to have an excuse to look at pictures of Dennis Kucinich's wife at work. To this a reply: 1) This doesn't seem like much of an excuse and 2) maybe.


Nick said...

You know, you might not have to order me to come read your blog if you actually posted pictures of said hot wife...

Dan Murphy said...

Seriously, there is a link, it says "hot wife", all you need to do is click on it. Just how lazy are you?